Cytrus Logic Blog

Apart from telling you all about our shenagins and goings on..Cytrus Logic Blog is where the industry’s top web developers, marketers, and security experts offer their advice and how-tos to make your site and organization a success.

You don’t need to figure out web technology and marketing alone. Let us help. Our Pogress Coordinators are ready to help you create a plan for your success.

Preparing for the Magento 1 End of Life: What It Means for Your Online Store

Are you a Magento 1 user? If so, it's time to pay attention. The end is near for Magento 1,…

What being an introvert taught me about business and automation

Being an introvert is not easy sometimes. As an introvert, I love to focus intensely on whatever I’m doing and…

What can CSS3 really do?

CSS3 is the abbreviated form of Cascading Style Sheet version 3. CSS3 is used to define the format of the…

Why Twitter Bootstrap is awesome

Bootstrap is a front-end framework. It is a collection of tools, which are used to create web applications and websites.…

What is a responsive website?

What is a responsive website? The use of the internet is increasing a lot in the last decade. Today most…

WordPress gets hacked all the time

If there is one thing we love here at Cytrus Logic it is working on hacked sites. Just got done…

Why I Abandoned Corporate Culture

There is a phrase by a well respected religious leader Gordon B. Hinkley that once said: “Life is to be…

Web Server Default Banners

Web server default banners are when web servers like Apache, Nginx, and others are configured to show their server type,…

What is the Strict-Transport-Security Security Header

Imagine if you are in a coffee shop and using public wifi. A hacker is also in the same coffee…

How to Prevent Content-Type Sniffing

Content-Type Sniffing is used to protect against MIME vulnerabilities. This happens when a user uploads a file but disguises it…