Last week we scanned 300 marketing and ad agency websites using our Website Safeguard technology. The scan was performed as an external scan. The results show a serious problem with the sites scanned.
The Scan showed that 35% of the site scanned had critical errors in the following areas:
Critical Errors
- 2% OpenSSL out of date
- 2% PHP out of date
- 9% Web server out of date
- 26% WordPress out of Date
- 35% were blacklisted because of malware
Most sites unsurprisingly needed some security improvements. Security improvements while not technically security holes are areas where information could be gathered to assist in an exploit. 88% of the sites scanned needed some sort of security improvement in the following areas:
Missing Security Headers
- 86% Content Sniffing
- 80% Strict Transport Protocol
- 88% Cross-site Scripting
Hardening Problems
- 64% Directory listing enabled
- 70% Trace Method enabled

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